Mission And Vision
24 Eylül 2024

To meet the expectations of our patients and to increase their satisfaction continuously.
To follow and apply technological and scientific developments.
To provide training to improve the qualifications of our employees.To ensure the satisfaction of our employees.
To contribute to awareness of the community about oral and dental health.
To ensure continuous improvement of the quality management system with the participation of all employees.

In order to provide diagnosis and treatment of patients with oral diseases and dental diseases, it is important to ensure that the communication between the patient and the patient is sensitive to the rights of the healthcare personnel, is sensitive to the rights of the healthcare personnel and depends on the ethical values and the field and provides the qualified health service using resources efficiently. standards.

Ataşehir Oral Dental Health Hospital; using all the possibilities of contemporary medicine to provide diagnosis and treatment of oral and dental diseases of the patients who apply and to be a pioneer and leading regional center in the name of preventive medicine and to provide infrastructure and personnel training by anticipating future changes in service delivery and to increase the competitiveness in other words, it aims to realize the ideals it wants to reach in the long term and to reach the international standards.